These parenting teenagers conversations are brought to you by Angela Karanja lead adolescent psychologist and parenting teenagers expert at Raising Remarkable Teenagers
Today's episode is a conversation with parenting coach Chris MacBrien as he talks about self care and and the importance of looking after ourselves as parents if we expect to raise highly effective teenagers .
The episodes are raw, real talk and uncut! Because raising remarkable teenagers requires we be real and vulnerable. And that's exactly what we do here and encourage parents to be real too. For how can we teach our teens to be real when we cannot and are not?
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Angela Karanja is an adolescent psychologist, parenting teens expert and youth empowerment coach.
Contact with any additional questions.
Raising Remarkable Teenagers website and products are managed by Angela Karanja; Psychologist, Researcher, Educator and Parent.
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Raise Highly effective Teenagers; Teens who are Respectful, Responsible, Resilient, Robust and Radiant Go Here and join our PRO6 .
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