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Raise Mentally Healthy Teen & Not Lose Your Mind

  • 3 Days
  • 5 Steps
Everyone in the program will get a badge when the program ends.


How To Raise Mentally Healthy Teenagers Without Losing Your Mind - with your mentor;- world renowned adolescent psychologist & parenting teenagers expert - Angela Karanja ✔A 3-Day Workshop for INTENTIONAL parents of teens ready to be LEADERS by DESIGN! ✔Enjoy Life-Time Access ✔BONUSES WORTH OVER £1000 including FREE ACCESS to our monthly coaching sessions. 👍Day 1: 3 COMMON BIG MISTAKES PARENTS OF TEENS UNKNOWINGLY MAKE - these cause of massive frustration, pain and mental mayhem and drive a wide wedge between parents and teens. The same make teenagers vulnerable to crime, drugs, sex exploitation & mental health problems.​ 👍Day 2: 5 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEENAGERS THAT MOST PARENTS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA ABOUT. A lack of this knowledge results to major struggles between parents and teens and severe relationships greatly(some for life). Understanding these 5 habits can save you this heartache and heal and strengthen your relationship with your teen. 👍Day 3: The 3- Simple Step Blueprint to building strong bonds with your teenager based on honesty & trust, so your teenager actually wants to listen to you, absolutely adores you, honours & respects you.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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